Cédons à la tempête ;
Sous ses coups passagers il faut courber la tête, le temps peut tout changer.
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Dear customers, Dear friends,
Good morning
On this second day of the meteorological summer, all the team DESCOURS wish you an excellent summer 2023 ahead!
We had a month of May “very wet” and spring with capricious and stormy weather in all the places in the world.
However, these precipitations are not enough to compensate the accumulated water deficit since numerous years, and we’ll have to save this natural resource given by our mother earth.
The summer season, the fields of sunflowers in bloom, the long days with light over the dark, the arrival of holidays, the time we like spend with our loved ones and friends… the time for a certain insouciance, as if frozen.
June also reminds us that half of the year 2023 will quickly be behind, and that time passes very quickly, punctuated by the seasons.
In your jobs, our jobs, we are dependent and very aware regarding this seasonality and the impact of the climatic conditions on the fruit’s crops. A crop can be destroyed a few minutes before the first collect.
It’ll be more and more complicated to “get ahead of ourselves,” and giving indications on the availability for the fruit’s crops and even more regarding prices long time in advance, the term “long time” remaining of course to be determined according to the elements mentioned above.
We hope that, despite the current context, you have spent the first half 2023 without problems, and that your respective business is doing as well as possible, despite the not very positive economic and geopolitical situation, we must remain trust in the future, after the rain the sun is still shining!
We believe that this new fruit season in Europe will allow prices to decrease, particularly red fruits, but this remains to be confirmed.
On the other hand, we don’t take risks announcing a complicated apricot season in both Europe and North Africa.
We remain of course at your total disposal for any request. Do not hesitate to contact us, we’ll do the best to satisfy you and respond positively to your requests as usual.
We wish you all the best, for your loved ones to, and very great summer 2023 😊.

The sales teams of Roger DESCOURS Group, frozen fruit division and Concept fruit, chestnut processing unit, will once again have a common stand during the {SIRHA 2023} which will take place from January 19th to January 23rd 2023 at the EUREXPO Lyon exhibition center.
On this 21st edition, the SIRAH will celebrate its 40th anniversary, Roger, Pedro, Emmanuel, Julien, Fabien and Joël will be happy to welcome you on the stand 4 C 70, to share a moment pleasant and friendly moment around a coffee, with possibility to exchange on the products of the range.
It’ll be also the opportunity to wish you happy new year 2023, for you and all yours nears and loves people.

End clap on SIAL 2022
Dear customers and partner, dear friends, all Roger DESCOURS Group team frozen fruit division and Concept fruits, chestnut processing unit thanks’ you for your visits and the time spent with us on our stand 5 A G105.
Like all the trade shows, this one was rich in meetings, we have the chance to share common values between colleagues and partners from all around the world, the chance to travel and share unforgettable moments.
As this quote from Boris VIAN says so well
« … In short, beauty is everywhere. It’s not she who is missing in our eyes, it is our eyes that miss her … »
Boris Vian
We’ll be happy to see you again next year from 9 to 23 January 2023, during the “Salon International de la Restauration, de l’Hôtellerie, et de l’Alimentation” at EUREXPO – Lyon. (SIRHA)
While our mother nature has put on her autumn colors, now place in “Ardèche” and in Europe in the chestnut crops.
The Chestnut, a product of our mother nature that reminds us the good smell of wood fire, grilled and delicacies, this particular smell that emanates from the brazier and the cone of newspaper. This smell intimately associated with winter and the end of year celebrations.
Smell associated with family, our childhood and the beautiful moments of our life. The cultivation of chestnuts is a part of the heritage in “Ardèche”. It was for a long time an essential resource for feeding poor populations and today benefits from a protected designation origin. Our colleagues and friends of CONCEPT FRUIT know all the possible recipes, do not hesitate to contact them.
See you in Sirha Lyon 2023 to celebrate the new year.
Present since millions of years in France,
the chestnut (castanea sativa) is an emblematic tree of the Ardèche, with its emblematic fruit, the chestnut.
The chestnut tree is nicknamed the “breadfruit tree” in our regions, and in all the countries of the southern Europe, in fact this fruit opens many possibilities of replacing wheat or cereal and can be used in many applications.
Historically the chestnut has inspired many culinary recipes, and some varieties has sometimes been used to “feed the pigs” in the farms, and … It wasn’t that long ago
Once again, this season, many chestnut producers in our department of Ardeche, supported by Mr. Stéphane LAINE, the Quality Director of Roger DESCOURS Group, very invested in the cause of the chestnut, were very happy to deliver Roger DESCOURS Group and by the same our production unit Concept-fruits the processing subsidiary, by being remunerated at the fair value of their work, it’s really the true principle of partnership and trust.
Cream of chestnuts, chestnuts in jars, frozen chestnuts, vacuum-packed for aperitif, who knows all these possibilities to awaken our taste buds.
What strong comeback for the chestnut around its multiple gastronomic possibilities, the idea and the change made its way, and it’s a long time since the chestnuts was consider in the collective unconscious as a “secondary fruit” just for feed … the pigs!
Last November 23, Mr. Thierry DEVIMEUX, prefect of the Ardeche met Mr. Roger DESCOURS the founding President & CEO of the eponymous group, in Vernosc-lès-Annonay in the premises of the processing plant Concept Fruits today French leader of chestnut processor, accompanied by Mr. Pédro QUINTANA the General manager and the local elected authorities.
We are pleased to present a short video captured last month, after receipt of the Ardeche chestnuts crops, the sorting and grading operations before peeling, and before finding these succulents chestnuts on Christmas table to accompany the turkey and for the snack of our child’s!

Treat you and awaken your senses with chestnuts from Roger DESCOURS Group.
New TV advertising campaign
Dear friends, dear customers
Our beautiful department of « Ardèche » has covered its autumn colours, these colours with the trees are tinged with warm and flamboyant colours, where the sun comes to illuminate the last days of the summer that wanted to play overtime, these colours where the rhythm of nature sublimates everything.
Autumn burns the rivers ablaze, sets the mountains ablaze, and sublime the chestnut groves ablaze, each panorama encountered at the bend of the path is a firework display of sublime flamboyant colours ! We are pleased to announce to you at first the next TV advertising campaign will be scheduled on Monday, November 1st on the channels BFM TV / CNEWS and LCI, you will find attached the schedule for LCI Channel as well as some preview images of the ancestral know-how of Roger DESCOURS Group. All the team wish you an excellent season. Treat your taste and your customers and sublimate your eyes with the products of the Roger DESCOURS group.
Flash back on the Sirha Lyon 2021 exhibition
For the first professional exhibition for the team DESCOURS group in 2 years, our participation in the 20th edition of SIRHA in EUREXPO Lyon has been a success. This exhibition, symbol of the resumption for an “almost normal life”, was for our teams and a great moment, rich in conviviality and human exchanges.
On stand 1J30 with the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region, we spent together, among colleagues, 4 unforgettable days which allow us to create synergy and group cohesion with our emblematic President Mr. Roger DESCOURS to continue to move forward together towards excellence.
We would like to thank all the visitors who came to visit us on our stand, our customers of course, our friends {but our customers are often, if not always, friends and, sometimes since long time} but also all people who stopped to discover our products around a coffee or a glass of water!
What a pleasure also to receive these young students in cooking, in pastry, this new generation for our gastronomy coming to seek information, to discover the products from Concept fruits chestnuts cream, past, desserts with the possibility to taste the creations of our pastry partner “Meilleur Ouvrier de France” Mr. Pascal MOLINES, but also to inquire about the possibilities offered with frozen fruit from DESCOURS SAS.
Numerous project’s holder has visited us, creating or business buyers, artisanal or industrial projects. These projects are the jobs for tomorrow, always with research for excellence, traceability, and quality! They came in the right house.
We also had the pleasure walking the stand and visiting our customers, manufacturers, craftsmen, distributors, on their stand, it allowed us to rediscover the wealth of their know-how and discover their latest innovations in terms of creation and packaging.
As always, the visit of local and regional officials is always a special moment. We had the pleasure to receive the President of the Region and many other officials and institutional partners
A thought for the organizer but also for all the “invisible” without whom nothing would be possible. It is thanks to them if that the stands and aisles were clean and welcoming at 8:00 a.m.
We look forward to seeing you all for a future edition.
The Concept fruits team
Economics trophies

Last week During the evening of “Ardèche Economy award” organized by the “Ardèche Chamber of Commerce and Industry” in partnership with “Le Dauphiné Libéré” régional newspaper, on Thursday September 30th in the locality of Tournon-sur-Rhône, our President Mr. ROGER DESCOURS had the pleasure and honour of presenting the industrial performance award to another major company in the Ardèche, TRIGANO Company represented by the Director of MDC LAMASTRE industrial site, Mr. Matthieu MANEVAL.
This evening took place in front many institutional and private partners, in presence of many actors from the Ardèche economy. Around twenty companies were rewarded, thus highlighting the talents of our department our region.
Mr. DESCOURS has always been very attached to entrepreneurship, to the wealth creation but also and perhaps over all to his territory of “Boutières” and his family birthplace of Saint Barthélémy-Le Meil which is still the headquarters of the eponymous Group present and recognized all over the world as a major actor r in frozen fruit and processed chestnuts.
It was also an evening rich in meetings and exchanges of common values, an evening awaited since the start of the pandemic, nothing replaces human contact and meeting, if the videoconference meetings have made it possible to maintain the link, nothing will replace the emotions, nothing replaces a smile, nothing replaces a moment of happiness exchanged around a drink ,the technology must remain at the service of human, its primary vocation is to simplify life not to replace meetings and moments of conviviality …
Bravo-and thank you to all those who came from far and near to participate at this award and long life to the companies rewarded.

After a difficult 2021 season in Morocco, especially for the strawberry and apricot crops, the Roger DESCOURS Group management team was this week in Rabat for a debriefing meeting and a study of the prospects for the upcoming fig crops.
After a difficult 2021 season in Morocco, especially for the strawberry and apricot crops, the Roger DESCOURS Group management team was this week in Rabat for a debriefing meeting and a study of the prospects for the upcoming fig crops.
However, optimism must be in order, and we must think about the world of tomorrow, a better world for our children or talking about food security will not be a dead letter but a reality.
Our Chairman Mr. Roger DESCOURS & Mr. ALLAL ESSOUSSI the Director of DELIKEMAR were pleased to receive the Group’s senior executives as well as the financial partners.
The global fruit crops being complicated this year, it is also necessary to share good moments of conviviality
Thanks to all the participants and thank you to Mr. ESSOUSSI for his welcome in MOROCCO.

Dopo una difficile stagione 2021 in Marocco, in particolare per le raccolte di fragole ed albicocche, il gruppo dirigente di Roger DESCOURS Groupe era questa settimana a Rabat per una reuninoe di debriefing ed di studio sulle prospettive per le raccolte di fico.
Anche se è difficile, guardare analisi e pensare in prospettiva sulle conseguenze del cambiamento climatico è necessario quando nostra madre natura sembra arrabbiata in tutto il mondo, e ovviamente una scommessa rischiosa.
Tuttavia, l’ottimismo deve essere d’obbligo, e dobbiamo pensare al mondo di domani, un mondo migliore per i nostri banbini, un mondo dove parlare di sicurezza alimentare non sarà lettera morta ma realtà.
Il nostro Presidente Mr. Roger DESCOURS e Mr. ALLAL ESSOUSSI il Direttore di DELIKEMAR sono stati lieti di ricevere i dirigenti senior del Gruppo come i partner finanziari.
Essendo le colture frutticole globali quest’anno complicate, è anche necessario condividere buoni momenti.
Grazie a tutti i partecipanti e grazie al Sig. ESSOUSSI per il suo benvenuto in MAROCCO
2020 > Wednesday July 22

Dear friends, dear customerss,
Good morning
Mr. Roger DESCOURS and all the team invite you to watch the television report “Capital summer magazine on M6 Sunday July 26 at 8:30 PM” our emblematic President known around the world and sometimes called the “king of the Raspberry” will present you the Serbian production units of Roger DESCOURS Group and he’ll reveal some secrets about frozen IQF raspberries in particular.
One of the biggest “Serbian raspberry center” is in Arilje, a small city in the west. The production of raspberries in this city and its surroundings is so important that it becomes “almost a brand” everything is adapted from the production, harvest and sale of raspberries which are reputed to be the tastiest in the world. .
It’s important for the public and the consumer (as we all are) to know that frozen fruit is as nutritious as fresh. The cold slows down the process of degradation of the minerals and vitamins in the fruit and don(t in any way destroy the composition. The fruit retains all its taste properties, they are frozen in the hours following the crops, vitamins and minerals therefore don’t have time to deteriorate.
You are our best ambassadors, dear customers, also thank you for informing your customers, family and friends in order to share a moment of our common history, we thank you for your trust and your loyalty, certain for more than 40 years, we wish you the best for this summer 2020 a summer a little different from the past, however, with a touch of optimism and solidarity there is no doubt that together we will defeat this virus and that humanity in will come out grown.
We remain attentive to your listening during the summer period and wish you all the best.
2020 > Wednesday March 18
Dear customers, dear friends,
In this complicated period of containment due of the COVID 19 Pandemic, situation that the world has never known, our thoughts are with you and your loved ones, we hope to find you in good health when the calamity will be eliminated.
A special thought coupled with great emotion comes to us for those of you who are affected directly or indirectly by the COVID 19.
This unprecedented situation in the world for an International group as Roger DESCOURS Group obliges us, it obliges us to satisfy you to and to extent of our possibilities in order to ensure the supply and the continuity of the agri-food chain, it obliges us to continue to deliver quality products with 100% traceability to guarantee the food security which you all aspire.
Today, we are in the crops of a strawberry in our Moroccan unit of DELIKEMAR and the situation, if not catastrophic remains complicated especially since the curfew introduced two weeks ago and the measures reinforced of all which led to a significant increase in absenteeism during this crucial strawberry crops period.
This year, and it also depending on the weather, we’ll try to extend the crops period as late as possible to try to satisfy the maximum of our European and international customers, if of course we do not achieve 100% this will be beyond our control.
In our cold store in France the stock is substantial on all types of frozen fruit and we want to reassure our hexagonal customers who are delivered from France, “we will accompany you when restarting your activities because we have stock”
We impatiently wait the fruit crops in France, the demand is very strong and we hope that the government’s calls to help our producers will be heard by our fellow citizens in order to support this essential sector of our economy and in order to be able to meet demand growth of our magnificent French fruits.
We will keep you informed of the crops situation in the different units of the group in the world by a next newsletter to our subscribers, we are of course open for orders and shipments and at your total disposal for any request.
We also have a special thought for caregivers around the world without whom nothing would be possible.
We hope to find you all soonly in good health with projects full in the head.
2020 > Wednesday 1st January
2019 > Tuesday, Oct. 29

Concept fruits ever more ambitious
Concept fruits’ premises are being extended and more employees are currently being hired.
2019 > Thursday, September 26

EventTrophées de l’Economie de l’Ardèche
The « Trophées de l’Economie de l’Ardèche » ended with a very nice evening this Thursday, September 26, 2019.
An unmissable annual event, our president Roger Descours awarded the industrial performance trophy to Jean-Louis Fontanilles (SOTIC company director).
This was an opportunity for Roger Descours to give us information about of the economic situation of our department.

From 20 to 22 Oct. 2019 in Paris
2017 > Thursday September 28th
Newsletter #5
Fruits of the World
- Clincher’s week
- Weather news, Fruit news
- Regulation updates
- Special event
2017 > Monday August 21
Newsletter #4
Fruits of the World
- Moroccan Apricots
- Suppliers’ visit
- Weather news, Fruit news
- Regulation updates
2017 > Monday, June 26
Newsletter #3
Fruits of world
Summary :
- Union meetings
- Audit ISO 22000
- Weather news, Fruit news
- Regulation updates
2017 > Monday, May 29
Newsletter #2
Fruits of world
- Customers’ venue
- Delikemar manufacture certifications
- Weather news, Fruit news
- Regulation updates
2017 > Monday May 18
Newsletter #1
Fruits of world
Sommaire :
- Meeting with French President
- Polaris Barcelona trade show
- Weather news, Fruit news
- Regulation updates
Tél : +33(0)4 75 29 01 44